Friday, July 26, 2002

Well, today is World System Administrator Appreciation Day. Don't believe me? Go here. So hooray for me and the others like me. For me I get to realize how lucky I am to work someplace where people voice their appreciation all the time.
Enough of that stuff. I'm thinking about changing the template, I think I need something a little less stark. What do you think? Hello...? Hmmm, I guess it doesn't matter anyway 'cause I'm just talking to myself.
Me: You should really do something with this template.
Me: Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
Me: Whoa, cool.
Happy Friday!

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Have you ever had one of those days when you realize just how messy your desk is? Today's my day. Yikes!

OK, this is the last of the WorldCom whining, honest.
Hello, investors! Did you not think they would file for chapter 11?!
What's with all the panic now that they have? This has got to have been the worst case of lemmings I've ever seen. These people really need to get away from the office and check back into reality. Get it together people, I'd like to retire before I'm 150 and with the way you're killing my mutual funds it doesn't look likely.

Oh well, slow and steady wins the race right? At least I can say I'm enjoying my life no matter what the stupid markets are doing.