Friday, May 16, 2003

Saw "The Matrix Reloaded" yesterday. Very enjoyable flick I think. The first half was a little lame, too many pointless fights, the sex scene was totally contrived and out of context, and not enough mind twisting. The second half, however, totally sucked you in to get you to come back in November. I'm going to have to go back to this one first though so that I can totally understand what the Architect was talking about. The bathroom scene was hillarious (cool urinal), and the possible twist very close to the end was very thought provoking.

How's that for not giving away too much but still covering the whole movie? Make sure that you don't drink too much pop, or you'll have to pee after the first hour and a bit and miss the start of the good stuff.

I wonder what it would be like to live in a society where all the women wore skimpy white shirts and no bras? The guys do too, but for me the effect isn't the same.

Good movie, I highly recommend it, just don't expect it to be the same as the first one.

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