Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Linux Pipeline | IE Skids Towards A Market-Share Milestone

I don't see MS getting concerned until their share drops into the low 80's. Right now they can say that it's just a knee-jerk reaction to security problems and people will go back to IE once they've had a chance to use Firefox.
Could it be also that MS doesn't care that much about IE anymore? They've successfully thwarted Netscape's attempt at making the browser an more like an O/S. They have bigger fish to fry now with Linux on that side. As long as MS keeps building proprietary web platforms people will be forced to use IE and it's share can only drop so far.
Web developers need to push open standards and not use MS IE-only tools, this will mean that people who try browsers like Firefox won't run into incompatible sites. This would help push non-IE browser further in the market. Until then there will always be a need for IE.

Linux Pipeline | IE Skids Towards A Market-Share Milestone: "IE Skids Towards A Market-Share Milestone "

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