Wednesday, June 26, 2002

So here I go. I've been reading various blogs for a little while now and I thought that I'd give it a try. You know how we all think we're funny and intelligent and have interesting things to say? This is my test to find out if I am. I hope, of course, that the answer will be that I am, but I'm fully prepared to find out that I'm not. I guess I'll only find out when you have some way of sending me feedback. I'm sure I'll figure that out soon and when I do I'm prepared for the worst. Oh yeah, you'll notice that this isn't all lowercase. That may be a big no-no in the blogging world, but the thoughts in my head aren't all lowercase and so they won't be here either. If you're going to write, you might as well do it properly (my grade 6 L.A. teacher would be happy to hear me say that).
This blog will be very short on personal details. There are many reasons for this, the primary one being that my wife (there's generic personal detail #1) and my mother-in-law would both have a huge fit. I also (on a much lesser scale) have reservations about publishing personal details for all to see. As a systems administrator (generic personal detail #2). I am very well aware of how information can travel and tranform on the www and I'd rather that didn't happen to my personal information and more importantly my family's.
OK, here goes I'm going to make my first post...

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